Sunday, December 03, 2006

officially under a week

as the title says, I am officially under a week away from graduation. There is a lot on my mind right now (hence, I am up at 1:06 a.m.) I'm just not tired, I cant shut it off. I have one big project that is due, and the rest of my activities are very small and there aren't a lot of them, truth be told. But the question remains, where to from here? There are may options, none of which are easy. Immediately, I am headed to Spokane, and we will see how that plays out. After that comes marriage and then...exactly. What? A big cliff? There is no more school. No more professors telling me what I have to do, and what I am bad at (or good, whatever the case may be.) Uncertainty really bothers me. I know that it shouldn't, but it does. I know the "christianese" answer is to say, that God has it in control. But that is hard. So the uncertainty remains, and I continue to deal. Such is life I guess. I'm going to go lay down now, no guarantees on the actual sleep part; but we will see how that goes. I had a great conversation with Tori tonight. It was a joy.


Crotty said...


i await the final word from my folks about the housing. the mom's has been REALLY sick, and I think they've been focusing on that. She's finally back to work now ... so I'll probably hear tomorrow (Thursday) or the next day.

Things look good.


Geoff said...

so hot! you dont even know.well, you probably do. But seriously, thanks. Peace is good.

Tori said...
