Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the secret's in the sauce...I think?

Last night I was over at the neighbors house watching 24 and the Gonzaga basketball game. As the night was wearing on (pleasant of course) I began to notice a very pungent aroma. Understand that this neighbor (who will remain nameless) has two very old dogs, so naturally I became very suspicious. Every ten minutes or so that same smell would come wafting up my way and I couldn't figure it out, being that the dogs had been moving around. And that's when it hit me...Could it be me? No. It cant be. Or could it. I did have some pretty killer chili earlier that day, and well...we've all been there. So now I am paying really close attention to see who or what this odor was emanating from and as I am continuing to watch the game I couldn't help but chuckle to myself about my thoughts and this tricky situation.
The episode of 24 was great and the Bulldogs wound up winning, and in the end I was able to pin the malfeasance on to one of the dogs and my mind was laid to rest...at least I think it was that dog.


rise up said...

Bro, we should hang out this weekend, at the Viking.
I'll give you a call on Friday.

Cosby said...

bro what neighbor, hte marlboro man...you have met him right

Anonymous said...

I am not convinced it was the dog! And in the Spirit of last night...of course I am doing the things you have asked.